Peisajul evenimentelor de mountainbike din Romania este bogat si divers, avem maratoane si XC-uri, avem competitii “all year around”, cu trasee accesibile sau tehnice, cu zeci, sute sau chiar cu o mie de participanti, sub egida federatiei sau particulare, cu premii mai mari sau mai mici, cu ani de experienta sau la prima editie si... Bike 4Mountains. Iezer-Papusa, Leaota, Piatra Craiului si Bucegi sunt cei patru munti care fac parte din epica aventura pe mountain bike din Carpati / The range of mountain bike events in Romania is rich and diverse, we have marathons and XC's, competitions "all year around", with accessible or technical trails, with hundreds or even a thousand participants, under the Romanian cycling federation or particular, with larger or smaller prizes, with years of experience or at the first edition and ... we have also "Bike 4Mountains". Iezer-Papusa, Leaota, Piatra Craiului and Bucegi Mountains are the four mountains that are part of the epic mountain bike adventure from the Carpathians.